
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh Great... It's Tuesday and back to work...

It's been almost two weeks since I have had to go into work, and I'm not looking forward to it this morning... yuck...

Well, here's another awesome card to make my morning feel a bit better:

As my collection has grown, I've found Biggio autographs to be very difficult to track down. I've only got two and I paid a ransom for each. I think Biggio focuses more on signing for people rather than for the card companies, which I respect but also wish some company would find a way to get him to sign more by donating to the Sunshine Kids, a charity that Biggio supports BIG TIME. Anyways, beyond that, I really like this card. The auto/jersey combo is a big forced on this card, as the auto box is planted firmly right across Craig's torso. However it's a clear auto and a nice swatch. Being numbered 23/25 helps add some value as well. It's too bad Leaf/Donruss failed to keep traction in the card world, they really did put out some nice products back in the day (early 2000s, haha).

Should get a shipping update from Dave & Adam's card world today and be able to give you all an update on the boxes. I'll post an update on my twitter feed @thedimwit as soon as I know something.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Sweet card and numbered to 25 makes it even better!

  2. Biggio has a pretty cool signature--nice card! I'm gonna have to get me something of his.

  3. You're right, his autos are hard to find (and expensive)!

  4. Nice pickup! Miss Donruss MLB products too... although it's for a completely different reason. I miss the Perez DK's.
