
Friday, January 6, 2012

Group Break Update

***UPDATE*** I think I've got a program that's working to convert the .mod to an MP4. It's converting now... will still have to upload to YouTube... but should have something up shortly...

I COULD have loaded directly to YouTube but that was going to take 2+ hours as it was, so I decided to try and convert it into a more hospitable file type... hopefully it'll be up by 9 central...

I've busted the boxes... I videoed them all... I just bought a new Mac after years with a PC... cannot find software (free) to convert my .mod movies files to something I can upload to YouTube.

Desperately trying to find a work around...

Will post shortly with another update or the actual blog post for the break!


  1. I'd like to help if I can. Did you see this post, to start with?:

  2. I haven't actually tried this, but I've read online you can literally rename .mod files to .avi to get them to play in windows movie maker. I don't know if that also magically makes them compatible with uploading to youtube or not, though.

  3. Actually, if what Matt said doesn't work, you may also be able to use this:

  4. Actually, I think it's a .mpg, not an avi. Try this...
