
Sunday, March 10, 2013

March Group Break 2nd Team Randomization

Here we go everyone...

1) Chris - Atlanta
2) peterson - Baltimore
3) Matt Perry - Boston
4) jaybarkerfan - Chi Cubs
5) JediJeff - Chi White Sox
6) Joe Average Card Collector - Colorado
7) Baseball Dad - Cleveland
8) The Dimwit - Houston
9) Spiegel83 - LA Dodgers
10) Jeffrey - NY Yankees
11) The Dutch Card Guy - NY Mets
12) Madding - St. Louis
13) Play At The Plate - Texas
14) buckstorecards - Toronto
15) CaptKirk42 - Washington

Here's the randomization:
 1) Chris - Atlanta & Arizona
2) peterson - Baltimore & Oakland
3) Matt Perry - Boston & San Francisco
4) jaybarkerfan - Chi Cubs & Detroit
5) JediJeff - Chi White Sox & Minnesota
6) Joe Average Card Collector - Colorado & Pittsburgh
7) Baseball Dad - Cleveland & Cincinnati
8) The Dimwit - Houston & Philadelphia
9) Spiegel83 - LA Dodgers & LA Angels
10) Jeffrey - NY Yankees & Milwaukee
11) The Dutch Card Guy - NY Mets & Tampa
12) Madding - St. Louis & Miami
13) Play At The Plate - Texas & San Diego
14) buckstorecards - Toronto & Kansas City
15) CaptKirk42 - Washington & Seattle

Dave and Adams apparently overlooked our order somehow and it didn't ship on Wednesday when I ordered it, I had to complain Friday and they said it mistakenly didn't make it to the shipping department some how. So boxes will be in some time this week. Hopefully I can pick them up from my apartment office before Friday, but if not then the first box will definitely go up some time Friday evening. But that gives everyone all week to trade teams!!!! So trade away in the comments below!!!!

Thanks everyone!