
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday... Election Day... I really could care less...

As election day approached, I realized that it is neither my calling or desire to be entirely wrapped up in the doom and gloom of either candidate being elected. We're screwed either way if you want my honest opinion. But I will stop there, as I don't want the Dimwit to become a political blog. The Dimwit is just that, a dim wit, so his opinion on political matters should be ignored... On to the linkage... (theme music plays)... Yea, I am dreamin'... oh to be there right now instead of here...

1) So I found some funny t-shirts... here's the first one of the day and it reflects my sentiments precisely... haha...
2) Freakin' sweet...
3) Um... can I get these blown up, framed and hung all around my house?????
4) Hey Goose you big stud! Take me to bed or lose me forever!
5) A "HOLY @#$%" moment if I ever heard of one... reminds me of Talledega Nights and the cougar... hahaha...
6) I do not endorse any candidate... but Dixville Notch has spoken... hahahah... who the hell gives their town this name?????
7) I don't endorse any candidate, but I can endorse this!!!!

Alright, that should be enough mindless entertainmen for you all today... have a great one...

1 comment:

  1. # 3 is actually really cool. I like the subtlety. Old timey pic with an AT-AT just noticeable enough to cause a double take, excellent :-D
