
Friday, June 17, 2011

Trade, trade bait, LCS Trip and an eBay WIN!

So, Greg over at Plaschke, Thy Sweater Is Argyle sent me a link to a freakin' sweet Astros lot on eBay the other day, and I managed to win it, as I was the only bidder. $9.99 for all of this:
 A group of sick inserts... love the Maddux/Bagwell card, they really were rivals...
 That Berkman at the bottom is numbered /99 and possibly is "uncirculated" whatever the H that means... Anyways, freakin awesome. Two no-name Astros prospects auto's from days gone by... and the most amazing card for me, the Biggio/Bagwell duel bat relic. LOVE IT!
Then we have the only Alou relic I'll ever want/need... and some more Berkman sweetness. First a bat, then the OUTFIELD WALL FROM THREE RIVERS STADIUM!!! How cool is that?!?!?! Even cooler, they have a cool picture on the back showing the wall segments these pieces were cut from... again, FREAKIN' SWEET... and finally the Berkman jersey as well. More Berkman to come...

I also got a trade in from Joe over at The Sandlot... the guy put together a nice package of Topps 2011 Series 2 that I needed, and I sent him some Mets that he was after. Another base card swap, thanks Joe. This is the second or third time we've done a trade, and I can't wait to see if he offers me something again... always nice to see a package come in the mail from New York State, lots of good traders there!

Finally, I made a run to my local card shop. The monthly collectors show to be held tomorrow was cancelled due to the big TriStar show being next weekend. So I had money left over from my bulk 50k junk wax sale that I was wanting to spend on some NICE Astros cards. Howard, the shop owner, had some very nice "hits" held back from the shelf of Pence, Berkman and Oswalt plus some miscellaneous others... so I dove in. I wanted a 1/1 Roger Clemens patch that he had, but it was a bit more $$$ than I wanted to spend. So I ended up with these three GREAT cards because I realized a couple things: 1) I have no auto's of Oswalt or Berkman despite MANY jersey relics and 2) Every silk card I've gotten in a pack I have traded away, I want one to keep! So here's the first part of my purchase:
 The Oswalt is numbered to 999 and the Berkman auto is just a sweet looking auto, great additions to those two player collections. Especially since I'm kind of going to be stopping the voluntary acceptance of these guys' cards in trades. No longer with team + 2 full pages each of relics = no longer wanting to collect (unless you're talking some serious mojo!)
Like this... 4/10... got it for $20 and I'm glad I did. A very nice A&G Silk card and classic Berkman!

Alright, you don't think I went to a card shop without thinking of my fellow readers, right???? Well, I saw some cards I just couldn't resist... I knew some of my readers would drool over these and that they'd make excellent additions to my trade bait file (which many of you should go check out, lots of new additions!!!!) Anyways, without further ado, here's 5 HOF'er relics!
Berra, Boggs, Fisk, Schmidt and Carter! I got these for a pretty good rate, so I figured I'd snag them to help facilitate some cardboard shuffling amongst readers... and just mess with BA Benny a little...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. I'd be interested in the Schmidt for sure. I know we just traded, but hopefully i can come up with something you'd like!

  2. That Astros lot is pretty sick. Glad you won it!

  3. Hey Sam, i am interested in any red sox cards from your last several posts, i will try to find some astros stuff for you and send it along. Dan from Maine

  4. Who doesn't? They're fantastic. ^^^^
