
Thursday, June 2, 2011


To everyone involved in the group break... I'm a bit more than half way through opening all the boxes... it's very nice so far! Anyways, taking a short break to ask a question of everyone based on my observations of the boxes thus far...

There are 84 cards in the regular base set... it's my observation that we're getting a full set out of each box (or at least REALLY close to the full set) so that by the end of the break there would be enough for a full 84 card set per participant with left over duplicates for everyone. I don't mean to change course mid-stream, but would EVERYONE (this must be unanimous) be interested in a complete set, plus all the duplicates, inserts, hits and parallels from your teams?

Please e-mail me with your answer to this question, as I don't want anyone who isn't interested to feel singled out. Please let me know ASAP:  If you feel comfortable leaving a comment with your opinion, by all means, but the e-mail option is available.

I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to keep just their players but you'll probably end up with at least 16 cards of every person in the base set for your players. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!


  1. That sounds much better to me personally.

  2. I would be just fine with getting a whole set (or at least close) plus the cards from my teams. I dont need a ton of the same David Wright cards.

  3. I vote complete sets for all. I'm really digging this set, and would be more than willing to give up my duplicate Phillies (and Padres) for a chance at a complete set.

  4. I'd go for the full sets as well...

  5. Thats good.. I donate my base to children's hospital so that would work out fine..


  6. As much as I may have an appreciation for Mark Prior, I don't need 16 duplicates. I say, complete set for everyone! Huzzah!!!

  7. yes to full set

  8. I was really looking forward to my 16 dupes of Jeter too..

  9. I'm just responding here: Set sounds okay to me. That way we get a full set *and* the "hits" for our team(s)!! Sweet deal in my book!
