
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just another Thursday...

Alright, I'm here today... not happy about it, I'd much rather be in bed. But since I have to be here, I will share something with you that will ROCK... YOUR... (wait for it...) WORLD...

I was born in 1980, that wonderful year... ah, let us all take a moment to reminisce... alright, back to the subject at hand. I had two sisters who were already 10 and 8 when I was born, so by the time I was old enough to know what was going on around me, they were in full-fledged Hair Band Fever. Part of this was due to this great new thing called "MTV" where they played the latest and greatest music videos from the hottest artists (hahahaha... WTF were people thinking?). Somewhere between kindergarten and college, MTV lost all focus and became a crappy reality TV programming network that just happened to throw in a Music related show or news item from time to time. (I personally blame the first season of the Real World for the decline, it was a great show, but it ruined MTV as a music channel). I say all this as a sort of eugolgy to the music video...

Until I came across THIS. Yes my friends, MTV has brought MUSIC VIDEOS back!!! Not only do they have the most recent hits available. But also classics from the 80's and more! And yes, you can even get RickRolled! You can even find the long version of the greastest music video EVER. Seriously, I may not get any work done today. Or tomorrow either...

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