
Friday, April 4, 2014

Mail Days Are My Favorite!

I have a huge stack of mail piled up on my computer desk right now! Lots of packages!

So lets get started with a group break package from... well, I can't remember which breaker site I entered this break, but it was a half case of Museum Collection 2014.... there are Bagwell autos in this product! (SHOCKING!!!) So I took a chance... this company rewards you with a pack or two if you go hitless, thus the auto I received in the free pack:
Whoa! A Geno Smith auto out of a free pack! Sweet! And a Bagwell base out of the Museum Collection part of the break... Is it sad I'm just as excited about the Bagwell as I am about the auto?

Next up we have my buddy Jeroen from across the Atlantic, in the wonder land known as Netherlands. I want to go some day, the Dutch seem like such a happy group, and I want to ride some bikes across their country... Jeroen, let's make this happen... haha! Anyways, he sent along a huge stack of Astros, here's the highlights:
I threw Oswalt and Berkman up there since they are officially retiring as Astros in a pre game ceremony tomorrow night! The Wallace auto is pretty sweet and of course I had to find a Bagwell and Biggio to throw in there! Thanks Jeroen!

Next up is Jeff from 2 x 3 Heroes, I'm not sure what I did to deserve these cards, but he said they were long over due, so by all means I'll gladly show them off!
Jeff sent a huge stack 'o Astros so I cherry picked the best ones out! A couple of SWEEEET cards of future Astros major leaguers, Springer and Correa. They certainly impressed in Spring Training. Sweet Bagwell swatch as well! Thanks Jeff!

I'll stop there for now, I've got two more trades to show off! One from Canada and another that I had to walk the plank for! Finally, I'll have a series of posts on some MAJOR PC collection additions, including some highway robbery on eBay for some awesome patches! Stay tuned!


  1. If you ever decide to let that Geno go, shoot me a message. I'm a WVU alum!

  2. You didn't do anything. I just had a stack for you that I let pile up for too long, so I sent them.
