
Friday, December 7, 2012

December Group Break Sign-Ups Are LIVE!!!

Hey everyone, I'm about 6 days late getting this posted. I had a grand idea that didn't quite work itself out, but I have a way to make it work another month, so stay tuned. As for this month, I have a great break planned!

First up, a retail box of 2008 Masterpieces!!!
I think we all love this set, it's a great "painted" set and there are some great cards in here! 24 packs, 4 cards per pack!

Next up, another retail box but this is 2008 Goudey!
There is the possibility of pulling original 1934 Goudey buy backs in this box! It also has the Derek Jeyer says... subset! Another 24 packs, 8 cards per pack!

Finally, we have 2 retail boxes of 2012 Gypsy Queen RACK PACKS!
There are 18 rack packs per box, with each rack pack having 3 packs plus a bonus 3 card pack of bordered parallels. That's a total 108 packs and 36 bonus packs of parallels!

This is going to be a lot of fun and a lot of packs to bust! So, I'm going to do this 2-teams per slot style, one team of your choice the second team randomized. I will also be holding a special card draft during the group break this month, and you won't want to miss it! Claim your teams by a comment on this post, no e-mails please. First comment by time stamp gets the team slot. Once 15 slots are filled and paid, I'll randomize the remaining teams and trades will be allowed.

Cost for the break will be $17 per slot. Payable via PayPal GIFT to samuelpair(at)yahoo(dot)com. If you are international (outside of the US), please make it $20 even. For additional slots beyond the first, subtract $2 per slot.

Atlanta - jaybarkerfan - PAID
Baltimore - Jeffrey
Boston - Matt - PAID
Chicago (NL) - Matt Pederson - PAID
Chicago (AL) - Jeff Wilk - PAID
Colorado - Joe Average Card Collector - PAID (minus $4)
Detroit - Classic Card Collector - PAID
Houston - The Dimwit - PAID
Kansas City
Los Angeles (NL) - Dutch Card Guy - PAID
Los Angeles (AL)
New York (NL) - buckstorecards- PAID
New York (AL) - daddyohoho- PAID
Philadelphia - Richard N. - PAID
Pittsburgh NY Hitman 23 - PAID
San Diego
San Francisco
St. Louis - madding -  PAID
Texas - Matt Pederson - PAID