
Monday, December 19, 2011

Catching up... purchases and trades... lots of good stuff... and some pimpage...

Hey everyone, with the group break over I've got a lot of catching up to do in regards to trades, purchases and a pimpage to take care of... oh yea, and a certain card-trading-cherry of mine has been burst...

I'll start with some sadness... ever got one of these?
The USPS's way of saying "Oh crap, we screwed up..." then to find that inside is only one of these...
Looks like the postal service ate my cardboard... yep, they stole the wonderful contents of this envelope with their greedy little machines... the envelope is in bad shape, seriously a dog may have eaten it a bit... meh, it happens... no worries Colbey, I don't know what happened here but my heart weeps and it's just one of those things... I would be a lot more bummed out if these other packages hadn't arrived today/lately...

First up is Shane over at Off The Wall... we concocted a huge deal where I was able to unload pretty much all my A&G mini's from the past few years, and I was getting highly annoyed with the storage of said mini's... there's the "hits from the deal"...
Roy and Berkman = AWESOME... Hampton is cool too as I don't have any autos of his. That brings me to Shane. As some of you may remember, I proudly served on the Houston Astros Grounds Crew for two seasons. It was the best college job in the world, I got PAID $7.00 an hour to watch baseball, be on the field before and after games, and got to run errands for some of the players. THEY PAID ME. Everyone always asks, "What were the players like, who was cool, who was a jerk?" Undeniably, Shane Reynolds was the BIGGEST jerk I ever had to deal with. If you asked him, his poo smelled like roses and the ground he walked on should be blessed by the Pope himself. He scoffed at us "little people" who didn't make millions of dollars yet were in charge of the field he played on, one of the biggest "entitled" athletes I've ever had the chance to spend 5 minutes around. I didn't have any autos from him, now I have 2. I can check that name off the list. Anyways, here's the next section of cards from Shane...
YAY GYPSY QUEEN MINI's!!!!! And those last two are the hobby box variations... upon looking in my binder, turns out I already have the Johnson variation... so I now need the regular mini! Haha! 2 of the variation! Craziness! Next up are some vintage Astros...
Wow, ok I finally got a Nellie Fox! I tried all last year and this to get it from the Topps Giveaway sites, but people were either hoarding their Nellie's or asking huge ransoms for their Nellie's, I'm also intentionally typing Nellie's in a suggestive manner... but I got one! Sweet!!! Leon Roberts is on the Reggie Cleveland All-Stars (if you don't know what that is, go read up on your Sports Guy stuff). I'll be seeing Jose next month at the Tri-Star show (more to tell at a later date there), The Toy Cannon, Cesar Cedeno and then a legend Leo Durocher, who I can't believe actually managed the Astros, plus Ken Forsh. I love some vintage Astros!

Finally, Shane popped my card-trading Bip cherry, with 20 Antoine Walkers... I've been Bipped...
That's way more Antoine than this blog ever needs to see!

Alright, next up is a deal from Ryan G over at This Card is Cool.

Wow, that Biggio is sick enough as it is! But the Clemens is a super thick card as well! Add in some nice Bagwells, and I haven't even gotten to the Nolan Ryan yet... it's AWESOME if it was just by itself... but look at the back!
Um... wow... 2 HOF's... strikeout kings... ok, so there was a little damange to the "2" on the 32 on the back, but I was aware of this and really, I care mostly about the front of the card anyways... AWESOME!!!! Thanks Ryan!

I told you I had a lot of catching up to do... well, here's what my wife and I got from the hobby box and 8 packs of American Pie that we bought at our latest trip to Big Hits Sportscards...
Nothing exciting here... the Vincent Pastore (I almost fell asleep typing that), Gilbert Gottfried (I wished silence on him while typing that) and John O'Hurley (I contemplated the meaning how this guy is famous in our society while typing that). What a load of crap hits from American Pie.
These two cards are infinitely cooler than any of the three hits. We got two buybacks! The Shatner is from 1979 (older than me!) and the Knievel screams "Look at me, I'm a bad@ss" is from 1974. Give me either of these two over John O'Hurley any day. We are about 21 cards from the complete 200 card set... if anyone wants a "want list" to trade and has a want list of cards they need, shoot me an e-mail.

Finally, I said I had some pimpage to do... well, Jaybarkerfan's Junk is holding a blog of the year contest. Somehow, one of you knuckleheads nominated me. I need you all to go over there and nominate good bloggers, so that I don't by some miracle of modern science/vote rigging, win this thing. There are far better internet scribes out there. Really, I now know what those fake actors mean when they say it's an honor to be nominated, because it validates the hours spent typing this drivel!!!! Also, I have no hope in winning this thing, just look at the other nominees, so go nominate someone! Enjoy the contest! If you really like a blogger, give him a little bit of an ego stroke and nominate him for this awesome award!

Thanks for the three of you who read to the end, it's an honor and a pleasure to know there's at least someone who has nothing else to do on a Monday night except read my blog!!!! Have a great week everyone!


  1. I'm glad you're happy with your cards (that took me forever to mail!) and hopefully I have some luck these next two weeks for the rest that needs to head your way. Who knows, I might discover some great Astros Nolan Ryan cards in my boxes back in Georgia!

    I received Colbey's Christmas card today, and mine was damaged too. However, I lucked out as everything stayed intact. I wonder if his local postal machine went postal.

    And I'm the knucklehead who nominated you, knucklehead! Since all the *good* blogs had been nominated already.... I kid. I thought of you for all the great breaks you run.

  2. I may be at the Tristar show in January as well. I'm debating on who I'd like to get autos from since some of the big names are way pricey.

    Nice pick ups and yes I'm still looking to see if I have any worthy trade bait for those cards you mentioned in our emails.

  3. Wow, great trades gets. And, yes, I've received one of those mangled envelopes in exchange for my beloved cardboard. Their apologies are always amusingly glib.

  4. yup - awesome trade loot, indeed.
    somebody up there loves you...

    ...and then had the real card catastrophe. i've been lucky up to this point, but i'm still a wet behind the ears trader.

  5. If you have a want list for Pie, I've got a blaster's worth of base. By the way, thanks for the nomination. That was unexpected and too kind.

  6. count me in the group who got busted envelopes from Colbey. Fortunately, mine still had the cards intact.

  7. Dang man, I'm so sorry about the envelope. I was rushed so I just slapped stamps on everyone Christmas cards I sent out. Normally I would have taken it to the counter and it wouldn't have gone through one of the machines.

    Your envelope contained a handful of Bagwell cards. I'll see about getting some replacements cards to you...this time via a bubble mailer!
