
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Group Break Results - Inserts, Parallels and Hits

Here's a couple scans of all the hits, inserts and parallels. I left out the Oswalt, the odd thing is that I already had this card, so it becomes trade bait! Here's the scans!

I do have to say, even though I've never heard of Shawn Camp of the Devil Rays, it's a nice looking signature.

As for the Bay card, I've decided it will be randomized off. 1) Because that's what I said I'd do. and 2) Because even though he was with the Pirates that year, there are plenty of collectors in the break who would collect it as well and 3) It states his team as Canada on the card, which is what I'm basing the team designations on, so it'll go in the random stack.

I have posted a team-by-team break down in the side bar!

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