
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Trade Post! Mark and Chris from Nachos Grande! Plus a contest pimpage!

Hey, I got a couple of trades in the mail today! First off is Mark M. who is a fellow Houston fan. He contacted me via e-mail about some cards and we worked out a trade! So, as you see below, he was able to cross off some of my 2011 Topps Inserts that I needed!
Next up is Chris from Nachos Grande... this was a bit more complicated. I had 14 Diamond foil parallels and he had a trade stack as well as some cards he had already agreed to send me. So we went back and forth with a couple of offers and in the end I got the cards below, plus the trade stack cards (non-Astros are not shown) and 14 entries into his Diamond card collection giveway! So, here's the cards I got from my needs list and a Jeff Bagwell which was the clincher of the trade stack!
Thanks for the trades guys! I do appreciate it! On an unrelated note, there's a pretty cool contest going on over at Crinkly Wrappers, so go join the fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the trade!! Look forward to meeting up sometime.
