
Saturday, May 7, 2011

My wife is entirely too good to me...

So we went to Target for Mother's Day stuff (mom, if you're reading this, don't watch the video because I totally say what you're getting... you've been warned!!!!!). Anyways, I was checking out and my wife wonders over to the baseball card aisle and grabs me some goodies. A pseudo half serious/half joking argument ensues and I'm sure the guy on the security cam or any employee who overheard us thinks we're insane. She was using her personal "fun money" (money we set aside to just buy whatever we personally want) to get me stuff and I didn't want her to spend it that way... but ultimately she won out and bought these for me... enjoy the video and I say again that my wife is too good to me and I adore her...

The WANT and FOR TRADE lists have been updated. I ended up getting some cards that were already in trade packages headed my way, so when I physically get those I will get those added to the FOR TRADE list as well. All the green borders are for trade, as well as the hit... can't believe I pulled another...


  1. I would love the A-Rod and Frank Thomas green borders.

  2. I'll be sending you those Bronze parallels from the group break today.

    You'll also have a Nolan Ryan Rangers base and Great Ones insert.
