
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Blogger Trade - Chris from Nachos Grande

So Chris from Nachos Grande and I have had a stack of cards building for months and months. Finally, we got in touch last week and got the trade completed! I got my cards today:
The crux of the deal was that beautiful blue border Alex Bregman from 2017 Archives. It's numbered /75 and the action shot is great. Awesome card. I picked up the Steinberg because I remember him being an agent for several Oilers back in the day, and his cross over into the movies with his appearance in Jerry Maguire. Plus, pretty cool looking relic. Chris also threw in some random Astros, including that Randy Johnson which I can honestly say I've never seen before! Thanks Chris!

PS - TSHenson - you commented on my blog yesterday, but I have no means of getting in touch with you, please leave me a comment with your e-mail address!


  1. Glad you liked the cards. My half arrived today in the mail as well from you. A post will be up on my blog in a couple of days.
