
Friday, September 2, 2011

Group Break UPDATE! ------ And some trades...

So... today I officially ordered the case for the group break, it will be in hand very early next week. Boxes will be busted shortly thereafter... we'll see if I can put a "live break" together on UStream... don't know if I can get my camcorder to interface with my PC... but I'll try.

There are only three teams left! Athletics, Rays and White Sox. I really would like to sell these! $20 each for anyone who wants them... at this point I just need them sold so that I can put that money towards postage and extra goodies for the break.

Alright, as for trades... my buddy Matt (DocHoloday) is a HUGE Red Sox fan. Yanks fans, head over to his blog and I'm sure he'll gladly send your "evil empire" cards for his "evil empire" cards. Yes, I consider both the Yanks and Red Sox evil empires at this point. Both incessantly whine now when their teams don't score more than 9 runs a game, and both act as though it's their God-given right to make the playoffs and sign every available free agent... What, there's a trade rumor that doesn't involve the Yanks or Red Sox getting a highly coveted player? NO WAY?!?!?!.... (Ummm the above rant is tongue-in-cheek... I kid... I kid)...hey dimwit, end your rant NOW, you're losing readers... ok, so baseball cards... Matt was so kind as to send me a HUGE box of goodies, mainly base cards from A&G, Gypsy Queen and Lineage from my want lists and for my Astros collection. He also sent along all the mini's from any product he ever opened.... here's the highlights...
 Ooo... lots o' mini's... I like-y...
 Some sweet Astros cards... makes me sad Hunter is a Philly...
And a sweet looking mini-relic... thanks Matt!!!!

Next up we have Charles (LifetimeTopps)... we did a good ol' fashioned base swap... we both had Gypsy Queen, Lineage and Goodwin to send back and forth... here's the loot, I even managed to get a jersey relic of Berkman that I didn't have already!
 YAY! More mini's!!!!
 I just really like Goodwin... great job on the design Upper Deck... I'm going to have to kindly ask you to get an MLB license back and not screw it up this time...
I really like the can'o'corn look on the Figures of Sports inserts... now to just track down that pesky Nolan Ryan one...

Thanks Charles!!!

Finally, I picked up a few cards from Community Gum's Lineage break. The Astros went un-claimed (surprise, surprise) so I was able to pick up a bunch of the inserts, parallels and relics at a great price! Here's some highlights:
 The pop-up cutouts are awesome inserts in my opinion... and I don't dare pop it out either, although it's very tempting... oh, and Carlos, lose a pound or 40 already...
Drat! There he is again, attacking my web-page, it's like Godzilla going after Tokyo... and my scanner apparently is Mothra, eating the bottoms of my cards...
Wandy Rodriguez... this is my first relic of his... gives me ample time to finally address an issue that needs to be addressed.... Wandy... really? What the heck kind of name is that? Wandy? Not to mention, this is the second name he's had since he's been an Astro, he tried to use some other Dominican's birth certificate and got busted/turned himself in.... well, just saying, stop making up weird names people... cool card though, diggin' the color schemes on the retro 75 mini's...

Oh, for a second "finally" a big thanks to Robert over at $30 a week habit. He sent me the final 2 base cards I needed to complete my 2011 Topps series 2 set. My last ever flagship base set to build... I forbid myself to do that again! Especially after the crappy @$$ design Topps is regurgitating for the 2012 season... BARF... and this "gold" set, please, that was so 10 years ago when you did it for your "golden" anniversary. Serious Topps, how retarded/dumb do you think we are?!?!??!! rant #2 of this post is now over...

Have a great weekend everyone... I'll be hanging out with Tropical Storm Lee here in Mobile... enjoy your sunny beach vacations elsewhere...


  1. So you hate teams with 27 championships...and ones with 7!

    You hate teams with scoreboards that tell its fans when to cheer...and those with scoreboards who don't!

    You hate teams with arrogant asshole fans and announcers who act like they are better than you...and teams with fans who went 86 years--their entire lives for many of them--without winning, constantly being mocked and ridiculed.

    That makes a lot of sense.

    You're an Astros fan? Go to Fenway Park, and be welcomed as a guest by sympathetic fans who know what it's like to never win. Go to Yankee Stadium and be mocked for being a loser and then barfed on by the same guy.

  2. lol, I like Jere. :)

    I don't make any apologies for being a Sox fan, it's just part of my being. Baseball is just more of a part of the culture in the north east. Much like football is "the game" down south. I liken it to being a Dallas Cowboys fan, or being from Wisconsin and being a Packers fan.

    I can understand the point though. The disparity between large and small market teams is rather glaring. But even if you did something crazy like profit sharing, the larger teams just have deeper farm systems. The disparity wouldn't work itself out for well over a decade.

    I just like baseball in general, and will gladly watch just about any team play. I'm just glad the Sox vs Yanks series usually gets some TV coverage.

    There is something magical about that match up. Every run is earned, every pitch, every hit. The game is never over in the bottom of the 9th. That's just how I like my baseball. I wish all match ups could be like that.

    That said, I have to agree with Jere, we'll be a lot nicer to ya in Fenway :)

    And what Sam said is true, I'm always open to trading for RS cards, lol.
