
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Extra Entry! Here's your chance!

Want to win another entry into the contest.... well I pose a bit of a trivia question for you... The answer is non-google-able... for the most part...

The Dimwit has witnessed just ONE no-hitter in person... who was the LOSING pitcher????
(I will hide all answers until the contest closes on Friday...)

Answering this question CORRECTLY will get you one more entry into the contest for these cards!
Thanks cubsfan731... yes, it will take a CORRECT guess to get the extra entry... I apologize for any confusion...


  1. Hey! Comments work now! You have my guess.

  2. I really have no clue, but since the Zambrano card is up there I'm going to go with Randy Wolf. If the answer is Jeff Weaver, I'm going to be kicking myself.

  3. I'll say Wandy Rodriguez...for no particular reason whatsoever

  4. Each answer gets an entry, or just each CORRECT answer?

  5. Google found it at Frank Tanana losing to the might Darryl Kile.

  6. I'll go with the obvious Frank Tanana vs Darryl Kile in 93 in Houston. Hopefully this doesn't post twice.

  7. I'm gonna guess it was the same game I saw last summer. Oswalt pitched it but I couldn't tell you the name of the Pirate pitcher if my life depended on it. Without cheating-by-googling I'm out of the running.

  8. OK, after re-reading the post ::::blush::: and getting a clarification, I'm going to say the losing pitcher was Ted Power.

  9. I'm going to say it was the game where the Astros threw a combined no-no vs Yanks. I'll go with Jeff Weaver as the losing pitcher.
