
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Card show!

Went to the Colorado Springs monthly card show for the first time. If it's any indication, I spent $2 on one card. We were there maybe 20 minutes. Here it is though, a nice one for sure:
Sorry for the glare folks. 

Have a great weekend! 


  1. I went to the January and February shows and decided to skip out on today's. There aren't many tables and the sellers don't seem to update their tables month to month. I may head to the next Denver show

    1. I went to Dalez for the first time today and was impressed with their selection. Staff was rude and didn't seem to care as much as they do at John's. Lots of Magic peeps there so maybe they were distracted.

    2. Yeah it's an incredible card shop. They seem rude at first but I think it's just more of the fact that they're socially awkward. Where's John's at?? I've never been.

  2. Minor league oddball of a future Hall of Famer? Seems like a pretty good find to me!
