
Monday, July 6, 2009

Holy Crap! It's been a while...

Alright Dimwit Brigade members... the Dimwit is back, even if temporarily, once again... It's been a busy month, lots of stuff going on...

The wedding venue has been set. More details to follow... We've got the guest list going, trying to keep it under 125... we'll see how that goes. Right now it's at 134 and we have to trim it down... This should be fun...

The Hotwit has moved into the Dimwit domicile... she's slowly making it her place as well, the cats are being cats... luckily no puke or poo on the floor so far... Sad that the Dimwit considers that fact a "plus" rather than just "normal"... They will be fine this week, at least until Saturday when my roommate (yes he's still there, we're trying to find a way to pay for this wedding, and his rental income is a necessity) brings his English Bulldog home when he gets back from a business trip. Those cats may be ready to revolt... and then we will have Puke-fest 2009...

So what is up with all the celebrities dying recently??? The Dimwit is being very careful, he doesn't want to be the next celebrity added to the list...

Peace out homies!


  1. No, I'm just a major blog-slacker... I should be taken out and shot... but that would punish all my thousands of readers... hahaha... Here we go, I'm going to try and start blogging regularly again...
