
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

He's still alive... calm your fears...

Judging by the massive amounts of emails (i.e. NONE) wondering what happened to the Dimwit... he decided it would be best (i.e. a good 5 minute break from work) to get on the old blog and let all you people know that he is perfectly well and fine. He has been slammed with a big project or two at work and thus needs to concentrate on what he's actually getting paid for... however, if any of you readers want to pay him to blog on a daily basis at the equivalent pay scale of his current employers, well by all means, let him know and he will make a quick career change!!!!

Ok, so the Dimwit and the girlfriend were discussing something the other day, and Bob Marley came up... the following is the actual conversation:

Dimwit: He shot the sherrif!
Girlfriend: Yea he did!
Dimwit: But... you know... he didn't shoot the deputy...
Girlfriend: Actually, he did... I know it...
Dimwit: (confused) Huh?
Girlfriend: Oh yea, he shot the deputy too, but the deputy was his friend so he didn't want to say anything.
Dimwit: Oh really?
Girlfriend: Yep, that's what happened... (nom-nom-nom on a french fry)...
Dimwit: You do realize that we are actually having this conversation right?
Girlfriend: (nom-nom-nom)
Dimwit: That's why I love you. And I'm totally blogging about this... (nom-nom-nom)...
Girlfriend: Whatever, you never blog anymore...

There you go peeps... have a great rest of the week... the Dimwit will probably not be back for at least a week or so... enjoy... And by the way, if any of you have a suggestion for a nickname for the girlfriend, post a suggestion... because if it comes from you, he's less likely to get hurt for it... ish...


  1. Let's see: Hotwit, brightwit, witless (whoops, that's after the breakup),halfwit (tee hee). Mmmm!

    I vote for halfwit....soon to be followed by witless. :)

  2. The Dimwit was later informed by the girlfriend that he could still get hurt even if the suggestion comes from a reader... and that she still has final veto... so, he'll present her with the options, then duck for cover...
