
Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday... the opiate of the overworked...

The Dimwit is thankful for another Friday, unfortunately it's one where he has to work, but Friday nonetheless. This Friday is special though, as he will be traveling to the distant land of Dallas to enjoy a day of Zip Lining and Obstacle Course challenges on Saturday. He says that to say this, there will be no bloggage this weekend. Wah Wah Wah!

It is time for the Dimwit to chime in on a debate that has been raging for years, but continues to give his favorite sport a black-eye: steroids. Yes, there are those who have been accused, those who deny, those who have admitted contritely and those who continue to plead the 5th. No, there is no way to ever definitively say whether Player A used or not.

So, the solution? The Steroids Era must be judged on the premise that either A) All players used steroids or B) None of the players used steroids. Take the case of Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds. The Dimwit personally watched these two face off in 2004. It was an amazing display and Clemens got Bonds to strike out looking. Now, one could argue that Clemens was only able to do so by benefit of the 'roids. One could also argue that Bonds was such a powerful hitter because of the 'roids. The Dimwit's point is that regardless of the circumstances, they were still two of the best players of the era. We put no asterisks next to the great players of the Dead Ball Era, so there is no need to asterisk this era. It is what it is and all we need to do is understand that while the era is clouded with suspicion, it was an era brought on by MLB's own personal ineptitude and self-agrandizing blind-eye-turning style.

Alright, that's all that needs to be said... now you get your linkage, The Dimwit is pretty sure most of his readers just skim read the past two paragraphs anyways!

1) Ok, The Dimwit is not a dog/animal/pet lover. He doesn't advocate hurting animals, but he's also not going to sign up for PETA either.... but this article, by his favorite sports writer, left the Dimwit with misty eyes. He can't begin to imagine what it will do to animal lovers.
2) Freakin' sweet.
3) OMG.... The Dimwit is ordering like a billion of these... if only it were a real product...
4) Weekend project for the guys? Kev? Ken? Let's do it...
5) Scary... on so many levels...
6) This is America, circa 2009, for you. The sad part, it's only going to get worse...
7) This guy had too much time, and too many thumbtacks.... luckily he filmed it in time-lapse...
8) Hahaha... LMAO.... ROFL....

Have a great Friday.... see all you on Monday!

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