
Friday, December 12, 2008

Fabulous Friday

Good Friday all... the Dimwit returns, although with the mountain of paperwork on his desk, he really should be concentrating on more important things... meh...

He knows the last two weeks have been sporatic, and we're being generous in describing it that way, but he has pledged to return to full-force, in your face linkage. OK, so without further ado, we'll proceed with what you ACTUALLY come to the blog for...

1) For those of you who love great inspirational speeches from the movies...
2) If Star Wars was made before the advent of "talkies"...
3) Forget anything The Dimwit ever mentioned regarding gift ideas... He wants one, He wants one, He wants one... This would keep those damned kids from riding their bikes across his front yard for sure... Wait, when did he become his dad????
4) The Dimwit has found it. The clearest example of what is expected of the next Mrs. Dimwit. Daily lunches, mixed with art and nostalgia. And the Dimwit wonders why he's single... damned by his lofty expectations...
5) The Dimwit is somewhat shamed to report this, but he has a guilty pleasure and well, it's called American Idol. But the Dimwit praises TV execs for finally making some MUCH needed changes to the overall format.
6) The Dimwit apologizes, but Princess Leia has not aged well... she looks nothing like the Princess Leia he remembers so fondly. Let's just pretend we're permanently stuck in 1983...
7) So beautiful... the Dimwit would PROUDLY wear this to work (in downtown Houston mind you) should he own it...
8) Anyone with this much time on their hands, well they need to be systematically removed from the gene pool... sorry, people, survival of the fittest, only the strong survive and all that other evolutionary crap...

Ok, the Dimwit is getting light headed from all the awesomeness he is exuding. By the way, woofrickenhoo is playing paint ball tomorrow, and The Dimwit FULLY supports her in her attempt to attack a certain friend, even by mass ambush. Good luck and The Dimwit wishes he were there to see it all happen!

Have a great weekend everyone! See you on the other side, hopefully sober and full of energy for a glorious Monday...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what you're talking about. *whistles and skips away*
