
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Trading 2 x 3 Heroes

I recently had the pleasure of putting together a trade deal with Jeff over at 2 by 3 Heroes. He had his eye on a Chris Sale auto for a while and we put a nice trade together... here's my side of the loot:

I never really intended to have a massive Lance Berkman GU/Auto collection, however it seems like the trade winds and fates just keep sending more Berkman my way. It's by far the largest part of my collection. I'm not complaining at all, it's nice to have a big chunk of cards from a player I liked both as a player and as a person. In my grounds crew days, Berkman was one of the few who would talk to us grounds crew guys as if we were equals. Jeff also sent over a slew of Astros cards, Ryan, Bagwell, Biggio and some roster-filler guys. Thanks Jeff for a great trade! If you don't have him on your blogroll or RSS feed, get him on there!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great trade. That Ryan Throwback Thread in the tequila sunrise looked nice in my binder, but you deserve it. I am on the hunt for a replacement, though. :)
