
Sunday, December 16, 2012

December Group Break - Box #2 - 2008 Goudey Retail

Here's the video:

And as always, scans after the page break...

And we have royalty, Presidents and Yanks...
 And finally, we have our two hits from the box...
I already have one copy of this gawd awful travesty of a frankenstein-ed bastardization of a card known as the 2008 Goudey Miguel Tejada relic in my trade bait... so it's going to Baltimore, unless Jeffrey hates this abomination as much as I do, and then I'll randomly force it upon one of you other participants to deal with! Haha! Congrats to Wes on the Kelly Johnson auto!


  1. If the Tejada doesn't end up with an owner, I'll put a dib on it. My son would like it, he doesn't know who Tejada is... :)

  2. Sam , Go ahaead and give the Tejada to some one else or randomize it !! I got a hit earlier on the first box !! Thanks !!

  3. I don't want that Tejada, so take me off the randomize pile if you have your wife giving it away.

  4. No love for The GREAT Tejada...ha
