
Monday, November 26, 2012

Massive Trade Bait Pick Up!

*NOTE: I originally thought this was my #800 post... but I was wrong, there were two blank drafts that I hadn't noticed were lingering.. so this is actually only #798... #800 celebration in a couple days! haha!*

So, over the Thanksgiving break I sniped an auction at the last second and netted a huge lot of jerseys, autos and a specific relic that I am currently trying not to drool all over...

Let's get started on this winding journey through a bunch of trade bait!
Ok, so if anyone wants the Leake, it's still a valid redemption and unredeemed. If someone doesn't claim it quickly, I'll go ahead and redeem it. Most of the Team USA guys are in college so it's a bit of a prospecting type deal. We'll see if any pan out... those last two guys, never heard of them...
More team USA and then some MLB guys. Too bad Joel Zumaya didn't last longer, those are a couple nice cards. I'm thinking BA Benny might be interested in that Ike Davis if he doesn't already have it!
More Team USA, with a Manny Machado appearance... Adam Dunn and Eric Thames to round out the scan.
Back to MLB guys. The Nathan and Willis relics, I think they are parts of hats, but I'm not sure. They don't feel like jersey and the card back doesn't provide any clarification! Finally, the Hector Jimenez auto for the Astros is one I don't think I have but wasn't going to really trade for, so nice it was included in the lot.


The big Mac Daddy of the lot... the card I could have bought for the price of the lot on it's own...

#14/50... look at that SWEEEEEET patch!!!!!! Tri-color and almost perfectly centered! They did their best not to kill my OCD on this one! AWESOME CARD! I love it! Totally worth what I ended up paying for the lot.

Hope you all enjoyed this trip through a purchase! If any of the non-Astros interest you, they are all up for trade of course!


  1. That Biggio patch is so sick, you'd better keep it away from your other cards or you'll have a full-blown epidemic! Nice trade bait lot for sure. If no other Tigers fans claim them, I'll take the Zumayas the next time we trade.

  2. Hey! I am interested in the Ike Davis auto. I know I have a Berkman relic that may interest you but, I will track down an Astros auto for you as well. Thanks.

  3. Wow, nice patch bud. That's certainly a nice haul.
