
Thursday, January 5, 2012

2010 Allen & Ginter - Lance Berkman AWESOME-NESS

Good morning all... here with another card to show off...

Wow, so I pulled this card myself from one of the several boxes of 2010 Allen and Ginter that I busted. I was WAY excited when I saw it was a plate. Even more so when I saw it was of Lance Berkman. And even more excited when I realized it was the plate for the SP EXT mini from the Rip Cards! I don't think there's any way this will ever leave my collection. Ok, maybe someone makes me a Godfather offer, but seriously, it'd have to be an over the top crazy offer that I just couldn't refuse. But back to the card, it's great. The framed border is awesome and luckily with the black plate Berkman is kind of a ghost shadow on the card, it still is a freakin' sweet plate. I know there is  a lot of debate on the merits of printing plates, but when it comes to a player collection, they are awesome to have and even more so when you're able to pull them yourself from a pack.

Now, all I need to do is track down a copy of that #363 SP Ext Mini to put in the binder next to the plate. I try to do that with whatever plates I have so that I can see the finished product.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. I've pulled some hits for the Rangers, but nothing like a 1/1 for one of your favorite players on your favorite team. That is lucky!

  2. It was meant to be in your hands Sam, congrats on the great pull!!

  3. Aren't the EXT minis the ones that are inside the rip cards? What were the rip cards numbered to, 50? That could make finding a that mini a real treasure hunt. If anyone is up for it, it's definitely you bud :)

  4. As a fellow Berkman collector I share your excitement over this card! Congrats!

  5. Very cool! Always a bonus when you pull a hit of a favorite player or team!

  6. you pulled that yourself? It's still 3 more months until April 1.
